
What If 2003, 50 years later
Written by: Margie (Soltz) Berk


What if Barbara Chakmakian and Bill Brown didn't marry
Or if Ronnie Jordan and Teddy Dobson never palled around
Or our web site had not been created by Barry
Or if Harry Bailey had never been found?

Suppose Ray Ransom, Jimmy Anthony, Joe Micale, Lee Rosky and Joe Varallo had not become MDs
Or if Lois Winneberger had not been Dan Reardon's main squeeze?

What if Marty Blumberg had no architectural plan
Or Bea Kershenblatt were not a baseball fan
Or Doris Lewis Grabel rose to cheerleading fame
Or Sid Bloomberg didn't change his name?

Suppose Dee (Drizzy) Rich Riffle had not met her husband on a plane
Or Barbara Schwartz Fitzsimmons ever tired of sailing
Or Joan Weintraub Swirsky's enthusiasm would ever wane
Or Emilie Rosso Burns at casino security was failing?

What if bridge wasn't Richard Horkitz's game
Or if Jackie Milligan Vandendorpel had a shorter name
Or if Dan Bartolini never penned a line at all
Or Barbara Volker Kennard didn't own a mall?

Suppose Jerry Sullivan and Arnold Adams didn't live down south
Or Bob Segal was not well-dressed
Or Jean Aiscowitz and Kurt Wesley were not a team
Or Marilyn Abramoff Lamberti at administration was not the best?

What if faux finishing wasn't done by Dolores Haig Weiss
Or Nikki Schwartzberg Leary couldn't dance
Or Dawn Cariola Moiras were not interested in The Bill of Rights
Or Jimmy Krouse never went to France?

Suppose Marlene Katz Garber and Debby Masterman Feinberg weren't
     into travel plans
Or Dick Johnston didn't volunteer with Head Start
Or Emma Williams Ellis didn't have wonderful great-grands
Or Marvin Solomon were not so smart?

Suppose Dorothy Cromwell Quince and Gerry Steet Wasko
     weren't nurses
Or tennis not the game of Joan Munyan Swope
Or Margie Soltz Berk could not write verses
Or astrology was of no interest to Ted Hope?


Suppose Val Hansen Cross played the cello
Or Tony Previti could not croon
Or Earl Lee were not so mellow

What if Bill Rickert had not been in aviation
Or Jean Gruhler in the US Marines
Or for writing Mary Bew had no aspiration
Or Neil Hobbs-Fernie was never on the fishing scene?

Suppose Paul Maccagnano and John Zuccarino were not related
Or Dot Kershenblatt Silverstein's designs were not inspired
Or Sloan Stewart and Mary were not well-mated?

Suppose Ruth Wilson Formica didn't make greeting cards
Or Billie Jane Boyer Maul didn't play bridge, go to a casino or
     have company at the drop of a hat
Or Lucy Csaszar Byrd was not an animal lover and nurturer
Or Nancy Cunningham didn't buy, sell and fix up homes - just like that?

Suppose Ethel Lewis Chandler never was a poodle-shower
Or Dick LeChard was not a computer whiz
Or Marcella Freda Nicholes not a faithful reunion-goer
Or Donald Brown never took a stitch?

Suppose Butch was the name Harold Kaplan still went by
Or Jean Lamusta Gitomer was not so pretty
Or Dr. David Subin was not a sweetheart of a guy
Or Eddie Greenberg was not so witty?

What if Ken Young had not worked for the Postal Service
Or Dave Singer and Art Handson never dealt in food
Or Joe Leventhal didn't get a new lease on life
Or Barbara Hinksman was ever in a bad mood?

Suppose Phyllis Haines Philp's children had all been male
Or Stafford Freeman didn't work on the "boards"
Or Joan Weinfeld Seltzer at selling a house would fail
Or Dr. Russell Jackson hadn't won so many awards?

What if Ethelyn Harris Showell hadn't moved away
Or Francisco Reale, Wallace Kirk and Wayman DeShields were
     strangers to the military
Or Walt Mallory's interests were not both mathematical and literary?

I tried to include as many of you as I could
I based it on the way the reservations stood
So if your name does not appear in what I've written
I hope you'll understand and let me be forgiven!

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