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October 2006 # 35


Please remember when you change your email address to let us know so we can keep in touch.

Also when you change your home address or phone number please let Billie or Margie know. You can send them an email from the ‘registered alumni’ page’.

‘Bits & Bytes’ don’t forget to send me some stuff about what is happing to you and the family.

Digital Atlantic City a Photographic Essay is now posted. This site is 'A work in Progress' which means I will be adding new pictures occasionally. The link is below.

                          click on this link to view digital Atlantic City, a Photographic Essay.
Barry Rich 9/09/2006

rICH jordan Mary Ann and I were in Atlantic City the weekend of Sept 9th. Spent part of Saturday walking on the Boardwalk in the warm sun. The old Million Dollar Pier which became Ocean One for a time and now it is the Pier at Caesar’s.

The light and water show is now open and I was able to take some beautiful photos. Also at the end of the pier there is a large deck with a great view of the Atlantic City Skyline. All of this can be seen on my Digital Photo Essay Site.

rICH Saturday night Mary Ann and I went to a Surf Game where saw Ron Jordan. Mary Ann always asks me, "are we going to a Surf game or to see Ron Jordan?".

After the game we stopped at the White House for a late treat, we each had half a steak, light on the peppers please.

Richard Block & Herby Perlstein also went to a Surf game & to see Ron Jordan. (see his account below).

Harriett Fink Horween August 14th 2006

fink Hi Barry:

I just want to say hi to all my former ACHS Class of 53. The summer here is great for swimming fink in the ocean. I go to Bal Harbour every weekend and there is no chilly wind and the ocean TEMPERATURE is perfect. FLORIDA has so many areas of LIFESTYLES and EXOTIC PLACES, LIKE THE EVERGLADES and the INFAMOUS FLORIDA ALIGATORS, which I plan to visit.

Hope I get this hello in time for the August Bits and Bytes. You made it in the October post. (blr)

Harriett Fink Horween
Arnie Adams August 15th 2006

adams Barry

adams Yes that's Harvey Kietel in the picture with me. "I told him my son likes star sappaire rings, could you show it in this picture?".

He said sure and made a point to show his pinkie ring when he shook my hand.

In the picture the ring is in the Red Circle (blr)


Richard Block & Herby Perlstein August 16th 2006

Block Herby Last night, Herby Perlstein and I went to Bernie Robbins Stadium (formerly the Sand Castle) and saw the AC Surfs beat Bridgeport in the last of the ninth inning in one of the most exciting baseball games that I can remember.

Ron Jordan spent a good part of the game with us chatting about old times. He's always been a real nice guy - except when he reminds me of how bad a baseball player I was in high school (which is true).

Richard Block

Marty Blumberg 08/16/2006

Bumberg Hi Barry, I enjoyed reading the August Bits and bytes. I’m happy to hear you are better. We think our reflexes are as good as ever, but sometimes we get a rude awakening.

I keep having fun practicing Architecture.

Our project, the New York Avenue, K-8th grade elementary School, received a Design Award for its interiors and will be published in the August Issue of American School and University.

Our Ventnor Library and Cultural Center project, at Newport and Atlantic Avenue, recently opened and is receiving rave reviews. Its red tile roof and two tone gold façade is a contemporary Mission Style, that is reminiscent of the old Library that was next to the fishing pier, and was destroyed by a hurricane .

But best of all my two sons, Brad and Eric’s LBS ( location based service) Real Estate information Co. SMARTER AGENT is now live on Sprint and Nextel. They have been working on it for the last 6 years. Check out their web site to learn more about it.


Al Carlin August 27th 2006

Hi Barry,

carlin I've really enjoyed keeping up with folks through the site that you have done such a great job with. We enjoy seeing Billie Jane and Lew when they venture out to the NW to visit their son and his family.

Several years ago when I started to find it a task to get up off the floor after playing with the grandkids I decided to start going to a gym. At one point I said to one of the trainers, “You know, this could be addicting.” “Oh, we have a lot of addicts,” he responded.

My background working with addictions came to the fore and I asked him what were the warning signs of addiction. Without batting an eye he said, “Telling people far more than they want to hear about your exercise program is an unmistakable sign of addiction.” Since then I’ve tried to be very circumspect about talking about what I do at the gym, other than gossiping with the other geezers.

carlin Anyhow. Ellen and I continue to creak along into our 70’s with lots of physical activity, volunteer gigs, and travel. The protagonist of John Updike’s novel Villages, which deals with aging, at one point, observes that there seems to be a window between retirement and death when all of his friends travel a lot. Ellen and I are doing our best to validate that remark. We spent a few lovely weeks in Sicily and Venice last spring and discovered that you can’t get a bad espresso in Italy. We are now getting ready to leave for a fall driving trip to Glacier National Park, Banff, and Lake Louise. After more than 20 years of sailing we took our last cruise to the San Juan Islands this July. It seemed the right time to swallow the anchor.

One upside of getting older is being able to revel in the accomplishments of kids and grandkids. Peter, our youngest, has finished a book about Brian Wilson and Beach boys that has received great reviews. Adding to our parental pride is his being called “a left wing idiot,” by Bill O’Reilly. Greg continues to lead an alternative Island life in Hawaii farming and raising his now teen aged son as a single parent.
,br> Al and Ellen in Taormina
Bruce Gardner & Ron Green August 2nd 2006

Green Gardner This picture was sent to me by Ron Green. It’s Bruce Gardner and his 6 month old Granddaughter Sofia. Look at how proud Bruce looks. Gardner
Aline (Janasky) Glodkowski September 19th 2006

Janasky Hello:

My husband and I are still busy in the ministry. In the State of Ohio, the Assemblies of God have a very positive outlook for retired ministers. Since mentioning that, we are now what we call Interim pastors. Since we are in our 70's and still enjoy helping people, this ministry is right for us.

We go into a church which does not have a pastor at the present time and we just love the people and try to help them in their struggles from previous circumstances. This is very rewarding

Aline (Janasky) Glodkowski and my husband is Bruno.


The following alumni have recently passed away:

Ralph Abramo 09/02/2006


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