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July 2007 # 37


Please remember when you change your email address to let us know so we can keep in touch.

Also when you change your home address or phone number please let Billie or Margie know. You can send them an email from the ‘registered alumni’ page’.

‘Bits & Bytes’ don’t forget to send me some stuff about what is happing to you and the family.

Digital Atlantic City a Photographic Essay is now posted. This site is 'A work in Progress' which means I will be adding new pictures occasionally. The link is below.

                          click on this link to view digital Atlantic City, a Photographic Essay.

Mini Reunion July 20, 2007 Atlantic City

To view the slide show of the mini reunion go back to the A.C.H.S. sitemap and after look under Mini Reunion July 20, 2007’. All the pictures are there.

With absolutely a minimum of effort on our parts (just two Emails) we generated quite a nice mini-reunion at the Trump Plaza Beach Bar.

There were approximately 40 class members plus spouses, partners and friends. The weather cooperated, and it was fun to see so many "old" familiar faces.

We want to do something next year for our 55th, and ask you all to save July 11, 2008 for some kind of a get-together, informal and easy.

Thanks to all of you for showing up, and please keep us informed of any change of e-mail or address and phone number.

In addition to those pictured in the slide show, the following people were present: Sylvia Davis Rooks, Pattie Harris Young &Katie Johnson Armstead

Billie Jane and Margie

Dorothy Kershenblatt-Silverstein-Popoff 7/18/2007

boyer Thanks Barry for all your effort in keeping us informed. My husband and I are in our Berkshire home for the summer where I continue the writing (interminable) during the week but break out on weekends for "Tanglewood", the summer home of the Boston Symphony. We are volunteer ushers for the past 10 years.

Enjoy the reunion! I send my best to you all.

Sincerely, Dorothy Kershenblatt-Silverstein -Popoff

Paul Allen 7/8/2007

boyer Hi Barry

Paul & Shirley Allen here in Fl, Fort Myers & we have been enjoying the pictures you have done & what a great job you have accomplished.

We are both doing OK & now married 53 yrs, with 3 children & 5 grandchildren. We have been in Fl. now for 4yrs & plan on staying here. Hope you & your family are doing ok too.

Keep up the good work, its great.

With regards

Paul & Shirley Allen

Jimmy Krouse 7/1/2007

boyer rICH Striped bass caught off the Ventnor Fishing Pier (by Jimmy Krouse) on June 29, 2007 at 6:30 am. Stats: 37.52 lbs and 46" long. Jimmy is on the right in the picture and Paul Spina is on the left.

Jim Krouse

Ralph Shenker 4/16/2007

boyer I wish we could be there, but we have made plans to be in Martha's Vineyard then to spend time with our son and his wife and her parents. We have a busy summer planned, starting off with a trip to Vancouver, BC on my wife's birthday (65) on June 23 and then cruising from there to Alaska and remaining in BC for a few days.

We've been kept busy visiting our new grandson, Paul Benjamin Shenker, in Marlton, NJ; and of course our 3 grandchildren in Owings Mills, Md, and our younger son and his wife in Andover, Mass, where they are both high-school science teachers. We also adopted a very cute and loving Boston Terrier who delights everyone in our family.



Margie Soltz April 9,2007

carlin carlin On March 15, Joan Mosley Pesce was inducted into the Atlantic County Women's Hall of Fame under the category of Social Services/Volunteerism. Her favorite quote is: "It is not our abilities that measure our worth; it is what we do with those abilities that counts." "There is nothing so satisfying and gratifying a helping another human being."

Margie Soltz


The following alumni have recently passed away:

Joseph Leventhal 6/22/2007


Home SiteMap   © 2007 Barry L. Rich 7/24/2007