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August 2007 # 38


Please remember when you change your email address to let us know so we can keep in touch.

Also when you change your home address or phone number please let Billie or Margie know. You can send them an email from the ‘registered alumni’ page’.

‘Bits & Bytes’ don’t forget to send me some stuff about what is happing to you and the family.

Digital Atlantic City a Photographic Essay is now posted. This site is 'A work in Progress' which means I will be adding new pictures occasionally. The link is below.

                          click on this link to view digital Atlantic City, a Photographic Essay.

Special message from Billie & Margie 8/21/07

boyer soltz The get-together this summer was successful and, as you already might know, we are planning another for July 11, to be announced later.

We had a few dollars in our Class treasury and recently sent Barry Rich a gift certificate to Dock's Oyster House from the Class of '53. We felt sure you would all agree to such a gift as we are ALL forever grateful to him for the marvelous job he does with our class website. Don't know what we'd do without him. Thanks again, Barry, for the constant care and attention that you give us.

Please help us out by sending us new email and home addresses. Each time an email goes out from Barry, there are at least a half dozen returned for bad email addresses. The two of us then send out postcards or call to try to contact those people. Though we have about 162 members on email, the others are contacted by post cards when there is a special event, such as this past summer's gathering. And, don't you know, we always manage to get at least a dozen of those returned for bad addresses. So, we call those people on the phone. It takes a lot of time and the pay is lousy, but we love doing it and feel that it is important to keep the records as up-to-date as possible. Your help is much appreciated.

So, PLEASE * PLEASE * PLEASE help us out by checking the list of lost members in the back of the last Reunion book or the Missing Alumni page of the Website and letting us know if you know the whereabouts of anyone.

Cheers.....and keep in touch, Margie and Billie Jane

Barry Rich 8/21/2007

boyer Let me first say thank you for the gift certificate to Dock's. Mary Ann & I will have a dinner there in September.

It has been and continues to be a pleasure designing and maintaining the ACHS Web Site. My greatest thank you is when I receive an email from an alumni thanking me for the pictures and information they receive from the site. That’s my thank you.

Our ACHS Site has been on the Net since 1997 and I hope to keep going for many more years.

Again thanks to Billie & Margie and the Committee for the gift certificate.


James Anthony 8/19/07

anthony Hi Barry,

Sorry it took me so long to respond. I wanted to thank you for displaying the pictures of the Mini-Reunion. They were great.

I also want to thank you for the latest pictures on the "Old Real Estate" in A.C. It truly was very, very interesting.

Nothing new to report on this end. Just trying to stay cool.

Tell everybody Hi for me.

Jim Anthony

George Steinhauer 8/14/2007 pic in temp-achs-save

george fish Hi Barry

Georgie Porgie here in Key West for the fishing and the girls. No mermaids were speared on this trip ,but this 26 pound grouper got into my sights and I pulled the trigger. It made quite a few fried grouper sandwiches which were washed down with a couple of Hemingway beers on Dual Street.

No 800 lb marlins like Earnest wrote about in the OLD MAN AND THE SEA but nonetheless a fish story noteworthy of (eat you're hearts out guys) adventure on the high seas.

Let the class of 53 be served notice that at the 55th reunion I will expound on this fish story , by then the fish will have taken on a few more pounds. I only wish in my dreams that I could have speared as many of the girls hearts as Jimmy Krouse did in the four years that he spent roving the halls of the now defunct A.C.H,S.

Love Ya all, George Steinhauer.

Barbara Labov Myers 7/27/07

Congratulations on the recent event! Sorry I could not be there. It was a great idea to give advance warning for #55. Thank you and have a great summer!

Barbara Labov Myers


Joan Parker Harris 7/27/07

Hi Barry

I loved the show. I am sorry that I could not be there. With this new technology, I could almost feel as if I were there. Thank you so much for all that you do to make this possible.

I was feeling a bit down and thought that I would check my e-mails and thank goodness, you were there. What a blessing. Again, thank you so much.

Hugs, Joan Parker Harris


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