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June 2008 # 40


Please remember when you change your email address to let us know so we can keep in touch.

Also when you change your home address or phone number please let Billie or Margie know. You can send them an email from the ‘registered alumni’ page’.

‘Bits & Bytes’ don’t forget to send me some stuff about what is happing to you and the family.

Digital Atlantic City a Photographic Essay is now posted. This site is 'A work in Progress' which means I will be adding new pictures occasionally. The link is below.

                          click on this link to view digital Atlantic City, a Photographic Essay.

Mini Reunion: July 11, 2008, 8pm, Flying Cloud Restaurant at Gardner's Basin

Billie Jane (Boyer) Maul June 3, 2008

boyer ralph
Lew and I took our annual trek to Seattle to visit with #2 son and family. This time we also went to Victoria, BC for two days and were delighted to spend some time with the now Fr. Ralph Braunstein.

Ralph was ordained an Anglican Priest April 20, 2008. We had a delightful dinner with him and Kristin and visited in the lovely home they share when in Victoria.

I twisted his arm real hard in an attempt to get him to come to AC for the July 11th get-together and I may have won. I hope so. See you all next month, If you know you are going to be with us, please drop Barry, Margie or me an email. I'm curious to know who I might see again.



Dick Le Chard 5/12/2008

lechard Recovery from open heart surgery had a few blips in the road. Heart is doing much better since the electric shock treatment (cardioversion) 2 weeks ago. If all stays on current path, I'll be there in July. See you then.

Bruce Gardner & Ron Green 5/11/2008

gardner green Bruce spent 2 weeks here in Sarasota and we sampled all the restaurants and walked on the beach. The Gulf of Mexico was about 79 degrees and Bruce floated in it for hours. We were joined by Bob "Oogie" Goldberg( ACHS '52).

Bruce volunteered to help me trim my Viburnum hedge as it really grew over the winter. He handled the hedge trimmer like an old pro.
We spent hours reminiscing about all our friends back in AC since I haven't been back to AC since 1963.


Dan Bartolini 3/21/2008

bartolini Received an Email from Dan in March that his wife passed away on March 20, 2008.

We extend our sympathy to Dan and his family.

Marilyn (Abramoff) Lamberti 1/4/2008


For Bits and Bytes: " Thank you, Barry, for undertaking the magnificent history and updates of us all! Len Elgart and I were an "item" 50+ trs. ago at ole ACHS.

He married, as I did, and our spouses passed--and after all these yrs. we are an "item" again; Len (and his cat) moved in with me (and my 7 cats) about 3yrs. ago. Twas meant to be. Again, thank you for keeping us posted and in touch with our class!"


Barbara (Labov) Myers 1/2/08


About a month ago I received a call with news that Judy Brone Mainwald was very, very ill. Judy has been living in the Toledo Ohio with her husband Ray.

After agonizing about how to handle the situation, I called her and although she was receiving hospice care we managed to speak for about an hour reviewing all the wonderful times we spent together as little girls, teenagers, brides, mothers and grandmothers and then we said goodbye.



The following alumni have recently passed away:

Annette Sandy Charap Shuman

Doris Dixon Carson May 15 2008

Pat Pastore Martens May 13, 2008


Home SiteMap   © 2008 Barry L. Rich 6/04/2008