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December 2008 # 42


Please remember when you change your email address to let us know so we can keep in touch.

Also when you change your home address or phone number please let Billie or Margie know. You can send them an email from the ‘registered alumni’ page’.

‘Bits & Bytes’ don’t forget to send me some stuff about what is happing to you and the family.

Digital Atlantic City a Photographic Essay is now posted. This site is 'A work in Progress' which means I will be adding new pictures occasionally. The link is below.

                          click on this link to view digital Atlantic City, a Photographic Essay.


boyer Charles Pool 12/23/2008

Let me first wish you and your family a very happy holiday and a really great New Year hoping that all is well with you.

I just wanted to tell you that you sure do a wonderful job with the ACHS web site. It has to be one of the best in the country. After all these years it's nice to look to this site for information about our fellow alumni. One of these days I still hope to get back to Atlantic City and I still hope to be able to see some of my best friends.

I am presently recovering from a total knee replacement and it sure has been a struggle although the therapy is worse than the operation itself. I should have the other one done as well but all of a sudden it doesn't seem to hurt as much.

Say hello to any class mate you run into and also give then my best regards.

Thanks again for all that you done

Regards, Charles Pool


Angeline Pebler 12/7/2008

lechard Just to let you know, my cancer which was terminal is cured. The cancer gene has also stopped shooting cancer cells. Of course, we will have to do check-ups every six weeks. I also had a total hip replacement at Cooper Hospital in October, the only hospital that takes high risk cases.

A wonderful surgeon Dr. Hume, who is not only a knee and hip specialist, but has a mechanical degree specializing in making the joint replacement parts, operated on me. Dr. Hume also teaches residents at Cooper. This January they are opening a new hospital which will be state of the art for replacement surgery.

In January, I start tracking with my Beauceron preparing for his championship title, and from there he will train in cadaver work.

Sincerely, Angie

Ron Green 11/19/2008

green Cruisers: Arlene & Ron Green Accompanied by our Sarasota friends... Rich & Lorraine Sawin ( transplants from Chicago) We were extremely lucky...just missed hurricane Paloma by a few was great, food was awesome, didn't gamble...the casino was inundated with smokers...couldn't handle sitting in there.


The inhabitants of the various islands were ultra friendly but overly aggressive hawking their wares.

Louis Singer 9/8/08

bartolini Sold my business on 8/26 & turned 73 on 8/29. Now I can join the "honey do" club! Plan to spend some time in Md. with our youngest son & his family & then to Wildwood Crest for a week or so.

Cant stand the soap operas so I spend time at the gym. Will probably look for a part-time job & also coach some baseball & basketball for the local rec. dept. Also plan to go to some college basketball games to watch our oldest granddaughter play.

Len Elgart July 26, 2008

I missed reunions of the early yrs.---but so happy to catch up with you all now-had a great time and thanks to Barry and those on the comm. and grateful to meet up with the attendees and my close friends from ACHS and be reacquainted with all of you---and to be reunited with Marilyn after all these years!

Len Elgart

Barbara (Labov) Myers 7/27/08


Thank you for all you contributed to the wonderful reunion. It really wouldn't have been the same without your photos and website.


Phyllis Haynes Philp 7/31/2008

I think that our get together was just great! Great place, great view, great parking, and great price. Please do this again. Thanks for all your pictures. We are so lucky to have you, our own private reporter.


The following alumni have recently passed away:

Ethelyn Harris Showell-Jacobs 9/28/2008

Joan Bingenheimer Rugaber Oct. 14th 2008


Home SiteMap   © 2008 Barry L. Rich 12/24/2008