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April 2010 # 43


Please remember when you change your email address to let us know so we can keep in touch.

Also when you change your home address or phone number please let Billie or Margie know. You can send them an email from the ‘registered alumni’ page’.

‘Bits & Bytes’ don’t forget to send me some stuff about what is happing to you and the family.

Digital Atlantic City a Photographic Essay is now posted. This site is 'A work in Progress' which means I will be adding new pictures occasionally. The link is below.

                          click on this link to view digital Atlantic City, a Photographic Essay.

Edward Greenberg 4/11/2010

boyer Hi Barry, Ed Greenberg here. Just went into class web, I haven't been there for a long time to catch up on things. I see the last Bits and Bytes was in 2008, have you given up on the web? I got real sick in March 2006 and almost didn't make now I'm on oxygen 24/7 but you can't keep a good man down. I do get out and drive but our over seas vacations are over. Thank goodness Ellen did most of our world travel before. I still want to get together but when I have a bad day I don't go out so its hard to make plans. I have your phone number so I'll give you a buzz and we can talk travel or give me a buzz. Hope all is well. Ed

Louis Singer 9/3/2009

boyer Just a note for the next Bits & Bytes: Just celebrated my 74th birthday & Marilyn & I spent some time in Vail,Colorado & Los Angeles. It was a beautiful trip . I was able to find the house in Beverly Hills where I lived as a young child. It is still a beautiful area. Hopefully we can return to California soon & spend more time there. If anyone gets a chance, be sure to visit the Getty Museum in Los Angelse, it is terrific. Regards to all my classmates & I hope those of you who are retired are enjoying it as much as I am.

Harold Kaplan 7/11/2009

green Hello Barry, Just Thought I'd say hello. Still Spending the summers in the cool mountains of Western North Carolina. Beats the heat of Florida. Playing golf only on days that end in Y. Getting ready for our second Grandson to be Bar Mitzvah in August. Life is good. Harold

Ron Green & Bruce Gardner 4/30/2009

Bruce ron Hi Barry: We had a 'mini' ACHS reunion here in Sarasota at Marie's Italian Kitchen April 29th. Bob Goldberg ( class of '52) with his wife Marge, Bruce Gardner and his wife Sara, Ron Green and wife Arlene and Marie, Ron's friend and owner of the restaurant. The snapper picata was superb !


The following alumni have recently passed away:

John Ireland Oct 6 2009 198

Joseph Goods 1/2/1991

Neil Kane Oct 2009


Home SiteMap   © 2010 Barry L. Rich 4/14/2010