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October 2011 # 46


Please remember when you change your email address to let us know so we can keep in touch.

Also when you change your home address or phone number please let Billie or Margie know. You can send them an email from the ‘registered alumni’ page’.

‘Bits & Bytes’ don’t forget to send me some stuff about what is happing to you and the family.

Digital Atlantic City a Photographic Essay is now posted. This site is 'A work in Progress' which means I will be adding new pictures occasionally. The link is below.

                          click on this link to view digital Atlantic City, a Photographic Essay.


Danny Bartolini 9/17/2010

September's Blooms
Your widowed life
ends in my heart
and mine in yours.
Should we
like dawn
awake the morning glories,
suddenly, in the passion
of their colors?

The brilliance of your eyes
and the foreverness of your voice
opens the flowers
of everything.
A new beginning for you and me:
even autumn has its blooms
in the promptings of late September's sunlight.

The night may come quickly
but we shall not have said:
not at all.
In a constancy of grasping and gasping for more
as though the less would swallow him
in a hell of nothingness,
The man lingers.

On desolate beaches among silicone breasts
and bottled hypersex
in his restlessness
he craves still more.

Like love unrequited, his loneliness
of togetherlessness
permeates his being.


Jim Holsomback 9/12/2010

lechard Hi, Barry,

I really enjoy catching up by reading your ACHS web site. Thanks for all that hard work.
I am enjoying retirement (eight years ago from A. T. & T.), traveling (most recent trips:
Poland, Switzerland, Germany, Holland, and Bermuda), spending summer times at the beach house, and going to Massachusetts to visit our son and his family (two granddaughters) on Cape Ann.

Hi to everybody!
Jim Holsomback

Lou Singer 7/24/2011
Haven’t seen anything in Bits & Bites in several months so I thought I would say hello to
you & bring things up to date with Marilyn & myself: We celebrated our 50th wedding anniversary
a few weeks ago but had to cancel all our plans to go away because I came down with Cellulitis in
my right leg & was laid up for 5 weeks. Things are back to normal now so we are heading to the Poconos
this week after spending the week of July 4th in Wildwood Crest. When we get back from Pa. we will
be spending some time in NY seeing some shows & going to some new restaurants. Best regards to everyone.

Billie Jane Boyer Maul 8/3/2011

The annual Sand In Your Shoes party was held this year at Jackie Milligan Vandendorpel’s in Bonita Bay.
This year the Mauls and LeChards joined the “crew”. A delightful time was had by all.
Some expressed a desire to have a 60th reunion in 2013. I haven’t talked to Margie about it,
but I’m sure I can twist her arm. BUT, we would sure appreciate hearing from you as to this
possible event.So, send us your thoughts....not just whether or not you want a reunion, but also
some suggestions as to what kind of event/events you would like and whether or not you would
attend anything we plan. Informal affairs are always fun and easy, but they do not get the draw
from out of state alumni as few will travel for anything like subs/sodas/beer on the beach.
Most grads are now retired, so time of the year/week isn’t as important a factor as before.
Let us hear from you, please. ( or )

Lew and I are well and still living in the same place we moved into in ‘66. No need for a “moving
staircase” yet as we are still active enough to walk to the beach, frequent the casinos, travel, play
lots of bridge, and do our favorite thing, which is keep in touch with old friends over a good
martini or Manhattan. I run into classmates often, though I must admit, sometimes we don’t recognize
each other. Ain’t aging just grand?? We look forward to summer and the annual visit from the
Seattle kids and many, many friends. Company is part of seashore living. We recently had breakfast
at Gilchrist’s with Ron and Bonnie Jordan. He and I chat pretty regularly on the phone and we usually
have a lot to say about many of you. (You'll have to pay to get a recording of those conversations. Some of them are pretty good.)

Hope you are all enjoying good health and happy times. Let us hear from you re a reunion, any changes
in phone numbers, emails, addresses, etc. It makes it a lot easier for Margie and me if we can keep
the records up to date. My reunion book and Herald are on a shelf next to my computer so that
they are right nearby to record any of the above changes as I get them.

group pic

Back row: Bob & Roz(White) Williams, Bill Brown, Dick Cross’52, Jim Tabasso’52, Rae Tabasso,Anne LeChard, Dick LeChard
Middle row: Joan(Munyan)Swope, Jack Swope, Neil Vandendorpel, Billie Jane(Boyer)Maul, Nancy Cunningham
Front row: Valerie (Hansen) Cross, Barbara(Chakmakian) Brown, Lew Maul, Jackie(Milligan) Vandendorpel
Thanks much, Billie Jane


Barbara Labov Myers 10/1/2011

12/7/11 will mark the 70th anniversary of the day the Japanese bombed Pearl Harbor (12/7/41) and changed the world forever. Most of us were six years old. I vividly remember the ride home from our weekly dinner at Rossman's Delicatessen. The car radio was pitched to the highest volume. It was truly "the day that will live in infamy) as FDR declared WAR! No laughing, no talking or showing your teeth!

Atlantic City was a unique place to be during WW II. The street lamps were blacked out, the shore patrol walked the beach, grey destroyers were in the ocean, black tar was on the sand. There were air raid-drills, ration books and every Tuesday we brought our coins to school to buy saving stamps and convert them to bonds to lend money to the government. My father was on Okinawa and other family members were in Europe with Patton. It was an all female society.

Convention Hall became a processing center and the once luxury hotels were rehabilitation centers for the wounded. My older cousin would take me with her to visit young soldiers now amputatees, blinded or wounded in other ways. They were happy to see a kid as it reminded them of home and what they had fought for.


On Sunday September 11, 2011 our own Ron Jordan was writen up by the Atlantic City Press
To view the article in the Press archives just cick on the link below the pictues

pic group pic
Click here to read the article


The following alumni have recently passed away:

Judy Freedman Zachs Oct. 14 2010

Jean Sollis Bonanni Vassar December 2010

Edward Greenberg June 2011

Charles Modricker

Ed Hoffman August 2011


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