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March 2014 # 48


Please remember when you change your email address to let us know so we can keep in touch.

Also when you change your home address or phone number please let Billie or Margie know. You can send them an email from the ‘registered alumni’ page’.

‘Bits & Bytes’ don’t forget to send me some stuff about what is happing to you and the family.

Digital Atlantic City a Photographic Essay is now posted. This site is 'A work in Progress' which means I will be adding new pictures occasionally. The link is below.

                          click on this link to view digital Atlantic City, a Photographic Essay.


Louis Singer 2/24/2014

Just a short note to thank everyone involved ( I am not going to mention names because I might leave someone out in error) for a wonderful 60th reunion. It brought back so many good memories seeing people I remember well but do not get to see very often. Marilyn & I had a very enjoyable afternoon.

We have been well and like everyone else in Jersey have been putting up with all the snow & ice. We live in a very nice townhouse development so I never have to lift a snow shovel (as long as we keep paying the maintenance). We did not go anywhere special this winter but may take a trip to Niagara Falls this spring. Best regards to everyone and, once again, thank you.

Lou Singer


Marilyn (Abramoff) Lamberti 2/24/2014

lechard Hi, Barry

Just want to add to your splendid BITS&BYTES that Len & I so enjoyed the reunion and commend the organizers for their magnificent planning of the events!

Len & I, by the time you assemble your April news, will have finally dug out of the snow and can venture to A.C. We enjoy hearing from classmates and your updates!!


Hi Barry,

Ralph Shenker 2/25/2014


Ralph and Sally Shenker moved to Tamarac, Florida last April and are loving our new life. We are able to swim just about every day and wear shorts, sandals and a polo shirt most days.

Tamarac is between Ft Lauderdale and Boca Raton.

We'd be happy to see anyone who is in or visiting the area.

Ralph Shenker


Barbara Labov Myers 03/03/2014

Barbara Labov Myers 03/03/2014 227 Dear Barry --- you have really done an incredible job, keeping everyone connected --- BRAVO! I don't know how to send pictures, if you tell me I will try!
The past year I have spent lots of time doing my favorite pastime "packing and unpacking!" Summary to follow:
August: Niagara on the Lake (shows and dinners with friends)
September: Vancouver (sorry I had to miss the reunion - heard good things)
October: Houston (Bar Mitzvah of grandson #5 Blake (no granddaughters, I guess one can't have everything)!
November: Home in Pittsburgh for my husband's BIG birthday, all family came to celebrate (Atlantic City, Philadelphia, Washington, California, Michigan, Texas, and Israel (it's nice to have a Thanksgiving birthday)!
December: Christmas and New Years in New York --- Met Opera opening of der Fledermaus - New Years Eve (big time fun in the Big Apple)!
January: GREAT ADVENTURE - Tour of Cuba - National Geographic arranged the tour --- well worth doing--- remember when Castro took over? It just didn't work! It will take a while but they will recover.
February: I decided it is too cold in the Northeast so we spent the month in Houston (son Jeffrey MD PhD and his family live there). We rented a mini-condo and went to symphony, operas, museums, fabulous restaurants as well as spending good family time!
March- Home at last! Spending time here in the 'burgh, doing Pittsburgh "stuff" (opera, symphony etc), sleeping in my very own bed that fits my body and dining on, not so fabulous home cooked meals!
No more "bits and bytes" for now - thank you for allowing me to ventilate and thank you for the time you spend "spreading the word!"

Barbara Labov Myers


Billie Jane Boyer Maul 3/3/2014

Not only was our 60th at The Palm a wonderful time for all of us, but the good word spread and the Class of 54 is having their 60th there also. I didn’t get one negative feedback from any of you and might even consider the same for our 65th. (Don’t tell Margie. I haven’t discussed it with her.) What do you say? It was actually the easiest one to meetings, a capable treasurer (Lois Reardon), a fabulous photographer (Barry), the great communicator/people locator (Ron) and the best co-chair ever (Margie).

The hardest part is trying to track people down. I can’t stress enough the importance of sending us new addresses, phone numbers and emails. We could have spent hours more on trying to locate people who had failed to keep our records up-to-date, but we didn’t. It’s a thankless, time consuming job so please help us.

Some of my very favorite times are spent with classmates. March 22nd we will be in FL at a party with several of you....and a few from the class of 52. I feel certain Dick LeChard will take a picture and send it to Barry, who will put it in B&B.

Every once in awhile I’ll give Ron a call and, along with spouses, meet at Gilchrists for beakfast. More recently, we met at Revel where the Class met Friday night of reunion. Ray Ransom called and promised to call when he was in town. I’m still waiting, Ray. When he does, we’ll plan a get-together some place.

Recently we met Barry and Mary Ann for a brief visit. M.A. and I sit beside each other at the penny slots, and Barry stands behind us and talks. But M.A and I are talking and laughing so we don’t hear him.

We intended to walk the boards, but the wind was horrible, as it has been most of the winter. Presently we are gearing up for what I hope will be the last snow of the season. Enough, already. Bring on the spring flowers, birds and sun. boyer



Billie Jane Boyer Maul 3/28/2014

The annual Sand In Your Shoes party was in full swing in a lovely condo on Sanibel Island, Florida and hosted by the Browns and the Crosses, who vacation there every March.
It was an evening full of good food, great drinks, numerous laughs, constant reminiscing and much ribbing at one another...led by the biggest “ribber” there, Dick Cross. It was worth your life to leave the room for fear of what would be said about you. But, all that was done in friendly jest.
Those in attendance were Dick LeChard/Anne, Valerie Hansen Cross/Dick ‘52, Billie Jane Boyer Maul/Lew, Barbara Chakmakian Brown/Bill, Joan Munyan Swope/Jack, Jackie Milligan VandenDorpel/Neil, Rae/Jim Tabasso ‘52, Don Dilg ‘52, and Jill Munyan Murphy‘57/Bob.
We said more than once how lucky we were to be together and left wishing everyone a safe and healthy year until next March when we will just take over where we left off....continue with the food and drink and wait for the ribbing and laughing to begin again. We feel blessed to have been able to continue such a wonderful friendship with each other for all these years.

This is a group picture of us taken on Sanibel Island, FL March 22nd
Top row left to right are:
Dick LeChard
Bill Brown, Val (Hansen) Cross
Jackie (Milligan) Vanden Dorpel.
Below are:
Joan (Munyan) Swope
Barbara (Chakmakian) Brown
Billie Boyer Maul


Just a short note from your webmaster: The ACHS Site is still an active site with quite a number of hits each month.
As for us we are still photographing Atlantic City creating new slide shows. Since the last Bits&Bytes Mary Ann and I have been on a Photo Safari in East Africa (Oct 2012), The Caribbean (Feb 2013), then a very unusual trip for us - an 8 day bus trip to Branson Missouri (Sept 2013) and lastly the French & Italian Riviera (Oct 2013). We do have two trips planned for 2014 though. Our long trips are coming to an end soon, to hard doing those 19 hour flights and being in some wild country some where in the world.

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