
What If was copied from our 1953 HERALD, page 165.
This should bring back some fond memories of our four years at ACHS
Written by: Margie (Soltz) Berk


Suppose SIL had no Wimberg jacket
Or KROUSE were ever loud;
Or ROSKY had no tennis racket
Or SOLOMON of his marks weren't proud?

What if GAINES would never grin
Or PATTIE HARRIS didn't dance;
Or BUCKLEY'S baton she couldn't spin
Or BARTOLINI went to France?

What if WELLER ate at Table 9
Or BEARS were not so merry;
Or LOIS weren't with BETTS ANN RHEIN
Or SOLTZ would never worry?

Suppose MICALE had no friends
Or PAT and CAROL weren't a team;
Or ARTHUR RESES had no lens
Or GREENBERG'S jokes were not a scream'?

What if LUCY were not so funny
Or COLLINS never said a word,
Or DONNIE'S disposition weren't so sunny
Or PASTORE'S voice could not be heard?

What if DOLINSKY lost his wit
Or STEVENS couldn't write a song,
Or CHACKIE'S ideas weren't a hit
Or FITZSIMONS' hair were dark and long?

What if music were unknown to CLAYMAN
Or DICK BLOCK had no old, brown car,
Or sharp clothes didn't characterize WAYMAN
Or NAOMI for friends had to travel far?


What if NAPPEN had no books
Or SANDY FREED were found at Lenny's,
Or TONI lost her charming looks
Or SELMA for records needed pennies?

Suppose ELAYNE became a nurse,
Or LENNY ELGART weren't so quiet,
Or MAGEN'S Jokes got any worse
Or FERRY'S laugh were not a riot?

What if REILLY missed a shot
Or JUDY BRONE weren't always late,
Or ELLIOT didn't dance a lot
Or LAMUSTA never got a date?

What if MARSHALL lost his brush
Or JOE GOODS couldn't draw,
Suppose that GOLD would never rush
Or NADLER without ANN we saw?

What if LABOV came to school a day
Or BROWN couldn't get her wheels,
Suppose CUNNINGHAM moved up from Margate way
Or the brains in Council were not NEIL'S ?

A different world 'twould surely be
If all these "If's" were really true,
But to find kids who are nice as you-
We know we'd have to travel far;
And even then we'd not succeed,
So we hope you'll stay the way you are.

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